[Salon] France is moving towards de-facto criminalizing support for Palestinians, and criminalizing criticism of Israel


This is legit crazy and immensely worrying about France's direction as a country. Mathilde Panot is the president of the main left-wing party (LFI) at the French parliament, and she was just summoned by Macron's police because she's "investigated" for "apology for terrorism" because of her party's opposition to Israel's actions in Gaza (and it's just that, she never actually said anything in favor of "terrorism"). She isn't the first one to be targeted like this in her party, but certainly the highest level one. Just like in Germany, it looks like France is moving towards de-facto criminalizing support for Palestinians, and criminalizing criticism of Israel (or at the very least terrorizing everyone into silence), even if by prominent elected officials with a legitimate political voice. This also serves of course to label the French left as "supporters of terrorism" and antisemites, which is a shameful instrumentalisation of the police and justice system for political ends.

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